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Environmental Education -awareness and training plays a significant role in encouraging and enhancing people’s participation in activities aimed at conservation, protection and management of the environment, essential for achieving sustainable development.  Eco club is one of the important activity clubs of an educational institution. The need of the hour is to create an environment friendly generation, because the present generation lives in an artificial world created by human. It is necessary to sensitize them towards preserving Mother Earth and enhancingitfor the coming generations.


The ECO CLUBis committed towards raising social awareness regarding environmental issues and changing students’ attitude towards the environment by enlisting their active participation in the club activities.


The following activities are taken up to create environmental awareness among the students to make them environmentally friendly.

  1. Organisingdebates, quizzes and talks on environmental issues in the school to motivate the students to keep their surroundings green and clean.
  2. Cleanliness drive within and without the school campus.
  3. Campaign against banned items especially single use plastics.
  4. Takingup tree plantation in some areas of the town.
  5. Creative arts usingnon-biodegradable items like plastic bottles and other wastes.
  6. Organisingrally showing placards with quotes on environmental awareness.
  7. Other activities toencourage the students to care aboutconservation of the environment where they live.