Montfort Brothers of St.Gabriel
Montfort Brothers of St.Gabriel isa religious Society founded by St. Louis Marie De Montfort in France in the year 1705. The members of the Society are engaged in the mission of education and social empowerment initiatives inover 35 countries.As a Society itproudly shares the common philosophy and teaching methods of the Catholic Church in
general, while drawing on its rich educational experiences and traditions, inherited as a society over the last three hundred years.
In India, divided into seven Provinces, Montfort Brothers havetheir presence in almost all the States, actively participating in diverse fields of apostolate that include formal and non-formal technical and academiceducation; education, care and rehabilitation of the physically and mentally challenged persons; the street children and the orphans;the care of elderly people; empowerment of women and the marginalized; adoption and up-liftment programmes aimed at the downtrodden in rural and urban areas.
In the field of educational apostolate, the primary option of the Montfort Brothers is in favour of the educationally and economically less favoured, giving priority to faith and value formation in the young. Montfort Brothers actively collaborate with the concerted action of educators, parents and other professional bodies who also work in the same fields for the cultural, social and technical development of the country.
Holistic approach to education is its forte as the members of the Society firmly believe that a young person learns from his / her whole school experiences. Hence a whole lot of programmes and an ideal environment is set for the young in all their educational institutions.